Om Kharche

Working on many Updates!

10 May 2024

I have been writing a lot it's just that you people haven't found it out yet

Its amazing to have page to yourself where the main focus is to write that's it (there is a very bleak chance i will make the css better)
I'll write happenings here, i watch a movie its exciting? will write
I make a new advancement in life (whatever) will write
Welcome here

12 May 2024

I have Summer Vacations coming up

Getting a good chunk of 1.5 months to myself straight after 8th grade i assume. Have got tasks to do, refining my code proficinecy skills.
I don't even have a leetcode account yet and i am here doing Computer Science at College Funny enough, I'll create one on 20 May.

12 May 2024

More Work Less Time Good, Less Work More Time Bad

I technically only have 3 modules to do, others i need not learn anything new, but still the procastination is decently high.
Gotta start my work now. Edit: My Exam was amazing lets see how the results go now

20 May 2024

Summer is in!

So I am home now and I got all days to myself, especially doing python. No idea but it just feels too good to practice the language itself. No Jazz just be proficient in doing the same thing.
Moreover would like to start a streak on going to gym/involved in physical activity for 40 days straight. Pretty Much possible.
Making a navbar at the top to put summer specials tho! Working on it simultaneously.

28 May 2024

Picking up pacee

As i go down the summer vacations, trying to do 3 to 4 new array type questions on my github repo and one on my leetcode profile. I just need to keep on doing progress daily that's the point.
Personal front its going amazing, I'm able to talk to my already existing friends better(😉) and efficiently.
Was thinking on starting a developmental project, will do in June tho!

6 June 2024

Learning to Dance

Yo I have a wedding coming up (My Sisters) in exactly a month from now. So everyone here is going to dance. Even I'm in it!.
Learning to Dance is like the most different to learn skill for me. As i have never danced after 6th Grade (Stage Performance) getting those moves out my body is lil time taking but gotta do it.
Dance just makes you happy what i observed from practice and makes you feel good about yourself. I liked it, I will rock the dance floor hehehehe.

12 June 2024

WTF is wrong with me???!!!!

Bruh this is the 4th time i'm seeing my GPA and feeling what do i even lack in life.
This time i have got 8.5 credits of C grade all super unexpected!!. By 1 mark lost them!!!. DBMS lost A by 2 marks and Sensors by 3 marks and all were because of DAs.
I still have no idea what is happening with my life here. Whatever i do i just can't help it. The CGPA still lies at 8.20 which increased by 0.01 this time. I mean *sarcastic laugh* I have nothing to say.

Today morning the pain was a lot man, it was legit equivalent to something like a heartbreak. The body just pauses and implodes. I hope i recover from this, gotta do something.

16 June 2024

Going Intense, real hard

Tomorrow is a Monday, new Monday new Beginings. I got some goals for the same. Gotta finish the course entirely and gotta come to Stack now man, enough Arrays. Will keep low and do things but gonna go real hard. Thats for sure.

22 June 2024

Holy Crap! This video just beat my favourite Video ever

So the thing is this video, Click This is my favourite Video or maybe just like the favourite 5 minutes to spend on the internet no cap!!!!!!!!!. I mean it a lot. Now this Video, Click is dangerously close to it 😭.

I just got water in my eyes while watching it. Like it just made pause and listen to what he is saying & whatever he said is so trueee. Man love is so beautiful!

2 July 2024

It's the other part of year now, Half Year Review

Man 2024s aging, it's the other part of year now. The summers were thought provoking. I finally got the RAWness what i was looking forward to in life. Thanks to Summers legit

The first part of year started pretty rough man, felt pretty distracted always whenever i checked my phone, always felt left out of place. Took a lot of friction to understand things. It's pretty important to understand the way you treat the next person, it's not compulsory that the next person will also treat you the same. whatever you do for them, they won't reciprocate it back

The academics and learning part was decent, nothing to write about it. It just went straight forward as it goes regularl
Now, its 3rd Year m8. This year has got the most effort to reward ratio, so i have to embrace myself for that. because i'm here to do something, to have an impact

Also my maladaptive day dreaming has to stop. It drains me out always whenever i do it.

15 July 2024

First Day of College, pretty epic

Leaving Home was the toughest thing to ever do, seeing the neighbour hood go away where i did so many things made me sad

But back to college, took me like 24 hours door to door but was fun. Good talking on the trip.

Had a magical convesation in the train at night. This happens rarely but it was truly amazing. I felt amazing and it was like heart warming. I hope i know more about this person as time passes, its really interesting and she is fascinating.
Too many seniors in the train, got to know about placements and all so that also added up.

Skipped first day of class to get a course which i didn't get initially, got it nevertheless. Gave laddoos, felt really happy. Real stuff starts tomorrow. Everything is now set

31 July 2024

Last day of July Damn, i was low on active-energy mentally

Bruh i just go in deep thought and thinking while doing nothing, today is the last day i do that.

Going to work - switch - work without any expectations for a year now atleast

I gotta self-gift something on my birthday, what i don't know but i gotta do something I'll be proud of till my birthday

4 August 2024

Woooooooooo I'm back to life. The outlook changed entirely

Every day feels so good demn, i have something to look after every day and my coding is also going at an amazing pace

I need to be perfect with current schedule, and my self-gift for birthday is a physique, so i'm taking GYM/DIET seriously now.

19 August 2024

Man, Man, Man. Insane last few days.

I experienced almost single emotion in the last few days and i handled it so well, ngl i'm proud of myself for this. It was the first time for me to experience all this and come out of it.

Now its linear, im set on my goals and the trajectory for the next year. Good feeling

1 September 2024

Switching to Gear 3

Cosistently did leetcode for entire August, got a medal letsss gooo. Feels good to have that on the platform. Now but its go time.

Churning Aptitude this month, going with a plan only. CAT 1 was fine, 3 subjects excellent while others were bad. So next time gotta prepare early for those.

Personal Life : Lot of hurdles in the way to even talk with a person, i mean Bruh its so freaking bullshit. But im "Ziddi", not gonna bend for all this

14 September 2024

Proper Late night realisationsss, Holy crap i'm turning 20 next month!!!

Currently at home during the TechnoVIT leave and i just realise that I am turning 20 next month. Crazy feeling.

I have decided to make this the best year of my life, best acads, best outlook, best practices, best decisions. I'm gonna launch for sure for the last 4 months and it's happening.

The more i visit home i get introduced to the non college life, my college is just too simulated dude and i'm not at all a Fan of that.

Gotta finish 380 questions with revision this year, it's a goal and i gotta do it to test my dedication towards non-comforting things.

16 September 2024

Building the Dream Man

I am the dream man i am talking about, to be a CEO you need to think,act,behave like a CEO.

Problem is, I'm blessed with the perfect opposite college to build all this!. I can't do anything until i get a job, or atleast get the offer in my hand and this is burning the shit out of me, i'm legit furious about this. I know what to do and how to do it but I can't do it and that's the worst feeling ever.

Currently I'm just exploring my outlook, i know the watch i'm gonna be wearing until the next change (Casio) and what clothing (Souled Store Colour Block). Just 10 more months Om, and i'll be in the Zone to grind some real shit on youtube and YAAS whatever i do.

Content Creation is going to get super fucking serious, no joke. The readers, just wait and watch